A letter to my daughter as she starts kindergarten

My baby, you are entering kindergarten next month.  I will cry for sure, I always cry so that is no surprise.  Ever since I had you and Eloise, I cry at everything.  Sad things, happy things, sometimes just looking at you!  I remember growing up my Aunt Honey cried at everything.  It makes so much sense now.  All of this to say that I am not going to cry because I am scared or sad that you are growing up, I am just so excited to watch you grow up and become a young woman.  It fills me with such joy to be your mom!

You are a feisty one, Amelia.  I shouldn’t be surprised; I think you get a lot of your personality from me.  Stubborn, strong willed, opinionated, love TV and can quote movies already.  We are two peas.  But I think you are stronger than I was, more self-assured and confident.  I always doubt myself; I did things because I needed to prove to others that I could.  You seem to do things to prove to yourself that you can.

About a month ago you were introduced to the rope at gymnastics and you couldn’t climb it.  Since then, whenever we ask if you want to come to the CrossFit gym with us you jump at the opportunity.  You ask us to grab the rope down and you work on it.  Now just a few weeks later you are climbing up the rope.  I’m stunned how you went from barely holding on, to ascending that rope to the top.

You have always been my strong-willed child.  We have had many nights at the dinner table where we are both close to tears and you hold strong.   Let’s also not forget about the period where you refused to wear pants.  It was dresses and tights only, especially your “Grey grey pretty dress”.  This overlapped with my immediate postpartum with Eloise, so January!  I remember needing to be somewhere and you wouldn’t put on pants.  We argued for over an hour.  You take me to my breaking point at times. I know this will be beneficial for you later in life, but in these times it’s hard when I know I just want to nourish you or keep you warm.  Being a parent is hard because sometimes we tell you no to protect you, but you always come back and tell us how much you love us.

Amelia you are my first born, so not my baby.  But I will never think of you as anything else than my baby.  You made me a mom and you make this journey so rewarding.  I sometimes get sad and say don’t grow up, stay my baby, and you always reply to me, but mom I will always be your baby.  I hope that is true.

Like I always tell you, I am so proud of you!  You are kind, strong, smart.  You can do hard things.  Life will not be easy, but I am here for you always.  Keep your stubborn, hardworking, kind-hearted spirit with you forever.  Love you to the moon and back


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